A Promise Fallen Short 

What do you call a haunt full of promise and also full of real life imminent danger? Fear Farm I.E.  While this middle of nowhere attraction offers legitimate frights and fun it has a lot of room for improvement…and that might be an understatement. The Sundown Manor maze is a whimsical exciting adventure through a haunted mansion that while scary feels secure in the realm of environmental safety standards. The Barnaby Rusts Psycho Circus is the mansion turned up a notch with a little more chills and a little less security with one point drawing the guest to squeeze through two inflated balloons extremely tightly pushed against each other. This is not for those with any hint of claustrophobia.  

Then there’s the hayride, which buckle up buttercup, is one hell of a bumpy ride!  This ride although fun definitely needs tweaking as one of our guests sustained an injury on it when the attached car smashed against a wall.  The crew although overall attentive were not prepared for any slight medical treatment let alone a large scale incident.  The other zombie flight or fight maze was in short, reported to be even more anxiety and adrenaline producing.  At the end of the night, we hope next season brings better and safer things for this overall very promising attraction.

Photo & Words by: Sarah Shalaan




[CONVENTION REVIEW] Midsummer Scream