The newest exhibit from Sugarmynt Gallery for 2025: FACES OF FRIGHT
Michael Myers’ home is a hot spot for horror fans in Pasadena, California. Behind Michael’s home, however, is another hot spot for horror fans that curates exhibits throughout the year. The first exhibit for the new year is FACES OF FRIGHT: HEROES VS. VILLAINS. The exhibit will run from January 18th to February 22nd. If you’re curious about the future exhibits at Sugarmynt Gallery they gave us a tease of what we can expect for this upcoming year! All themes and dates are tentative:
March 1 - March 31: Alfred Hitchcock Tribute
April 12 - May 24: Over the Garden Wall
June 7 - August 16: Stranger Things
September 6 - October 31: Welcome to Haddonfield 11
You can find Sugarmynt on Instagram or Facebook for more details about upcoming events and to shop from local artists!